Presidents and all ministries are leading us to hell.

Отношение людей к сегодняшней жизни. Взгляд Иркутян на события в мире и политике.

#1  Назар » Вс 29.10.2023, 13:28

Russia and all countries need a president
like Banjov Nazarali Kholnazarovich,
I constantly appeal to all governments
of all countries in the world with
an offer to help them all get rid of all
the accumulated problems, but, unfortunately,
no one invited me. And I became convinced
that civil servants of all countries of the world
deliberately create a lot of problems and
with their help rob the country and the people.
Everything needs constant care, and not allowing
anything to lose quality. And discipline and
order In the country will lead to the elimination
of many thousands of bureaucratic structures,
the reduction of millions of unnecessary
civil servants and the complete elimination
of the legislative assembly of all levels,
the State Duma, the Federation Council
and hundreds of thousands of intermediary
companies, organizations and firms.
Getting rid of everything bureaucratic and
intermediary will lead to peace, discipline,
order and prosperity of the country and the world.

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Зарегистрирован: Вт 12.04.2011, 19:42
Откуда: Оренбург
