The Crimean bridge car on.

Отношение людей к сегодняшней жизни. Взгляд Иркутян на события в мире и политике.

#1  Назар » Вс 9.10.2022, 23:35

On the Crimean bridge, the car caught fire from
a short circuit spark in the electrical equipment
of vehicles, since fires on it most often occur
due to a short circuit and a malfunction
of the fuel system.
The ignition system of a car is a fairly
complex device responsible for the appearance
of a spark. Most often, malfunctions
of the high- pressure fuel pump system
and the ignition system and others.
units can fail at the same time,
the culprit in this case is the fuel
manufacturers and the car manufacturer.
I ask people, for the sake of stability in the world,
not to invent different versions of the state
of emergency on the Crimean bridge.
I, Banjov Nazarali Kholnazarovich, in 1988,
in connection with the anti-Soviet events
in the Soviet republics,
I addressed in writing to the Chairman
of the KGB of the USSR and representatives
of many countries of the world
with a request and appeal, so as not to allow
chaos in the world to adhere to the international
standard, rules, norms and laws for the sake
of stability in all regions of the world,
and not a single country in the world
supported me in this.
All troubles and destruction come from violation
of international standards, rules, norms and laws.
Today, disinformation is a business
and a powerful weapon.
Today, the media and various
people are engaged in misinformation
and say that there was a terrorist attack
on the bridge, this is not true.
It is beneficial for someone to disturb
the peace and they are trying to kindle
hatred, enmity and conflicts between people.
This is how they plundered, destroyed
and crossed out from the world map the best
country in the world - the Soviet Union.
Automotive fires often start everywhere
and in all regions of the world due
to the failure of the fuel pump, spark
plugs and other systems.

If some government wants to commit criminal
and major actions, then this goal is achieved in
full and without a miss by any means. Proof of
this are September 11, 2001, in Manhattan in
New York at the World Trade Center.

This is evidenced by the US history of the events
of September 11, 2001, when people in all
corners of the world watched live broadcasts on
TV, where planes crashed into the WTC building
and into the Pentagon. This attack was organized
by the US authorities against their own people,
demolishing the World Trade Center in Manhattan
in New York in a monstrous way.

I, Banjov Nazarali Kholnazarovich, watched
the live broadcast from beginning to end
and immediately made the correct conclusion
that the US
authorities had planned this terrible crime
in advance, from the camera records it was clear
that the authorities had previously installed
cameras at all points, the direction of the aircraft
and their route and their goals.
At 08:46, a Boeing 767-200 crashed into
the north side of the North
Tower of the World Trade Center on floors 94-98.
16-17 minutes later, another Boeing 767-200
rammed the south side of the South Tower
of the World Trade Center, causing a fire.
It turned out that the US authorities
a few days before this tragedy mined
the lowest part of the WTC building.
These World Trade Center skyscrapers
were durable and could withstand even
aircraft strikes without collapsing.
Сообщения: 1488
Зарегистрирован: Вт 12.04.2011, 19:42
Откуда: Оренбург

#2  Назар » Пт 2.06.2023, 2:23

Stop Cop City, a forest conservation
organization that protects natural landscapes.
We, the defenders of flora and fauna,
protest against any construction
in forests and other landscapes.

Throughout history, in all countries of the world,
government officials of all levels and ranks
have destroyed and are destroying the flora,
fauna and landscapes of all regions and
continents of the world.
The entire Earth, water and atmosphere
are poisoned by trillions of tons of garbage,
as well as industry, transport, cities, landfills,
sewers, cesspools, toxic substances,
air conditioners and so on.

In Atlanta, USA, a public movement
for the protection of Nature has been organized,
the participants of which are children and
people of all ages, they are fighting
for the preservation of the environment.
In memory of the protector of nature and
a wonderful person, friend and
comrade Manuel Esteban Paez Teran,
who was shot during protests
against the construction of a worldwide
paramilitary police training center,
where they will be trained to disperse
opponents of criminal power.

Defenders of nature are fighting to save
the entire globe and are protesting
against the mining of coal, oil, gas,
shale, peat, soil, gravel, sand, stone,
diamonds, gold, silver, copper, salt and so on.
The extraction of everything and
everything led to the death of the Earth,
flora, fauna and the devastation
of the globe, everywhere huge
underground voids, quarries, funnels and
abysses around the world led to the death
of flora, fauna, streams, rivers,
lakes and the Aral Sea.

Climatic disasters from the mining of coal,
oil, gas, shale, peat, soil, gravel, stone,
copper, diamonds, gold, silver,
aluminum, ore, salt and so on.
From the extraction of everything, many
rivers, lakes and reservoirs not only became
shallow, but also dried up.

Water has become scarce in USA, France,
Germany, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Italy,
the Netherlands, Canada, Australia,
India, China, Europe, Asia, Africa,
the East and all regions and continents
of the world, the water level has reached
an all-time low , year after year, all rivers and
lakes become shallow, dry up and disappear.

Rivers and lakes with catostrophic
speed become shallow and dry up in the USA,
China, Russia, Asia, Africa, in the East
and in Europe Danube, Oder, Rhine, Elbe, Main,
Moselle, Saale, Mulde, Loire and other rivers and
lakes in all regions and continents of the world
and in many places water disappears forever
from the extraction of coal, oil, gas, shale, peat,
soil, gravel, sand, stone, ore, copper, diamonds,
gold, salt and so on.
From the extraction of everything around
the globe, huge underground voids,
huge careers, funnels, abysses and
cracks were formed.
From the devastated globe - the Earth and
all flora and fauna perish.
Today there is nothing natural in the world,
everything on the globe is born and grows
unnatural, and everything
turns into mutants and freaks.

In Europe in many countries of the world,
the first level of danger of climate change
has been introduced, which signaled
the deterioration of the climate and pollution
of the Earth, water and the environment and
a sharp increase in the oxidation of the globe,
water and atmosphere, from which acid rain and
snow come everywhere and everywhere.
The increase in acidity has taken
hold of all continents and regions of the world
and has spread throughout the globe,
it has touched everyone and everyone
everywhere and everywhere.

A sharp climate change was formed
from the criminal activities of mankind
from the extraction and burning of coal,
oil, gas, peat, as well as from air conditioners,
transport, industry, cities, plastic, roofing,
building materials, as well as from landfills,
cesspools, sewers, and so on Further.
In addition, huge underground voids, careers,
funnels and abysses from the extraction
of everything from the Earth are everywhere.

We all live on the same Planet and the pollution
of the Earth, water and air will affect everyone
anywhere in the world, which means
that the pollution of the territory of one country
will affect everyone around the globe.
Many people in different regions and
continents of the world - believe
that the pollution of the Earth, water and
air from other countries does not concern
them, they say that they live
far from them, this criminal thinking
has led to world egoism and dibelism.

Ecological problems do not know state
and territorial borders - they are global.
The environmental situation in China, Russia,
Kazakhstan, USA, Canada, India, Indonesia,
England, France, Italy, Portugal, Mexico, Brazil,
Spain, Argentina and so on, this applies to
everyone, no matter where you live.

Climate change to a catastrophe on the Planet
from the extraction and burning of coal, oil, gas,
peat, as well as from air conditioners, transport,
industry, cities, plastic, roofing, building materials,
as well as from landfills, cesspools and sewers.

I beg you, please spread my appeal,
which is expressed with a heavy heart and
with tears in your eyes, due to the fault
of mankind, the Earth is collapsing and
all life is dying all over the world.
I appeal to all mankind, to the whole
world, to stop and present a picture
that there is no water and there is nothing
to breathe around, everything is poisoned and
terrible torment and suffering awaits everyone.
Until it is too late to prevent a catastrophe,
urgently stop the extraction of coal,
oil, gas, shale, peat, soil, gravel, sand,
stone, salt, copper, ore, and so on.

Mankind destroys all living things, and
turned the whole world into concentration
camps. Urbanization and industrialization
are dangerous for all living things in the world,
chemicals are deadly for all living things
in the world,

In all countries of the world, the whole Earth,
water and air are poisoned - from the extraction
of coal, oil, gas, shale, peat, salt, copper, ore, and
so on. And also from factories, combines,
transport, cities, landfills, cesspools, sewers, and
so on. People have poisoned the entire Earth,
water and atmosphere.

All chemical and poisonous substances and
toxic waste and all this mixture spreads
through the soil, water and atmosphere
around the world and poisons the entire Earth,
rivers, lakes, seas, oceans and mountains.
It is urgent to permanently stop the extraction
of coal, oil, gas, shale, peat, soil, gravel,
sand, stone, salt, copper, ore, and so on.
So we can prevent a global
environmental disaster.

We all need to live in peace and harmony
according to the laws of Nature,
there is no difference between us and
other animal plants - we are all children
of the Earth and we are all one family.
Сообщения: 1488
Зарегистрирован: Вт 12.04.2011, 19:42
Откуда: Оренбург

#3  Назар » Пн 5.06.2023, 14:09

Climate protests in the USA, Germany,
France, England, where police raids
seize posters with the inscription
"Pol Pot was a defender of the world and
he was a real defender of Nature."

Climate protests in front
of the government building with posters
for the preservation of Nature.
The protesters call on the authorities
to declare a climate and environmental
emergency, as well as develop a plan
to save the globe and ban
the mining of coal, oil, gas, shale, peat,
soil, gravel, sand, stone, diamonds,
gold, silver, copper, salt, ores and so on,
for the sake of preserving the Earth,
flora and fauna.

From the extraction of coal, oil, gas,
shale, ore, and so on, huge underground voids, quarries, funnels and abysses have formed
on the globe, because of this,
all life is dying - the Earth, flora, fauna,
streams, rivers, lakes, seas ,
oceans, and the Aral Sea has already perished.

I, Banjov Nazarali Kholnazarovich,
I ask all people not to destroy Nature and
I ask you to stop the extraction of coal, oil,
gas, shale, peat, soil, gravel, sand,
stone, diamonds, gold, silver, copper,
aluminum, salt, ore, etc. Further.
For the sake of saving the globe, to save
the planet from global destruction.
We do not have the right to rob,
destroy Nature, and we ourselves will
also perish from our criminal
activity against the environment.

We must not destroy and pollute the Earth,
water and atmosphere. People do not think
that it is impossible to restore
the destroyed and poisoned environment
in all regions and continents of the world.
And no treatment facilities and filters
will save us from toxic substances and
waste. Everywhere the Earth,
water and atmosphere are poisoned by
the mining of coal, oil, gas,
shale, peat and so on.
And also from many thousands of toxic
substances, industry, transport, cities, sewers,
landfills, cesspools, and so on.

In Russia, USA, China, India, Europe,
Asia, Africa, in the East and in all regions and continents of the world, many diseases,
as well as oncological and allergic diseases,
are growing day by day at a terrifying pace,
this is due to the extraction and
burning of coal, oil , gas, shale,
peat and so on. And also from many thousands
of toxic substances, industry, transport,
cities, sewers, landfills, cesspools, and so on.

Human civilization, urbanization and
industrialization have turned the whole world
into a concentration camp and
destroyed many species of flora and
fauna. Humans have destroyed, poisoned and devastated the entire globe,
from mining of coal, oil, gas, shale, peat,
soil, gravel, sand, stone, diamonds,
gold, silver, ore, salt and so on.
From the extraction of everything and
everything on the globe,
huge underground voids, careers,
funnels and abysses were formed,
which led to shallowing and drying
up of streams, rivers, lakes and the Aral Sea.
Сообщения: 1488
Зарегистрирован: Вт 12.04.2011, 19:42
Откуда: Оренбург

