In Russia today there are few good people like Bolshakova Lyudmila.

Отношение людей к сегодняшней жизни. Взгляд Иркутян на события в мире и политике.

#1  Назар » Пт 7.01.2022, 18:45

In Russia, one of the greatest defenders of
Nature in the world:
Bolshakova Lyudmila Petrovna, Orenburg, place
of birth of the USSR, November 12, 1937,
Orenburg region, the city of Akbulak. Wonderful
peace-loving person and conservationist.
She is one of the greatest conservationists,
her heart stopped on August 19, 2021
in Russia in the cityb of Orenburg
in a house on Turbinnaya Street.
This is a huge loss for us and we will continue
all of her peacekeeping activities.

Bolshakova Lyudmila Petrovna, was
the only person in the world who never
advertised her noble activities.
Her departure is a huge loss for the whole world;
today it is very difficult to find such wonderful,
peace-loving people. Lyudmila Petrovna was an
amazingly bright and kind person, she will live
in our hearts and the bright memory of her will
forever remain in our hearts.

Lyudmila Petrovna all the years urged people
to abandon destructive actions against Nature,
for the sake of saving the Earth and abandon
everything that harms it. Save from destruction,
take care and tenderly take care of your native
Nature. This was her noble motto always and
everywhere, and we, the peace-loving people
of the world, will continue all her noble deeds.

Heroic feats of different people then and today,
we are proud of them and they are a real example
for us.

American and Russian defenders of Nature such
as Bolshakova Lyudmila Petrovna, James Lee
and Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin today, such
wonderful peace-loving people are very difficult
to find all over the world. We constantly miss
them and love them, they live in our heart and
memory, such people adorn the world. We
continue their work with dignity, and we, as the
successors of their work, bring good to the
whole world and for us Nature is more important
than our life.

Every second there is large-scale mining of coal,
gas and oil, oil spills, toxic waste, chemicals,
sewer and cesspool waste are dumped into
rivers, lakes, seas, oceans, meadows, forests,
fields and mountains.

All of these toxic wastes hurt
and kill flora and fauna all over the world.
These terrible humanity have poisoned,
disfigured and destroyed the entire globe.

You are not people, but a walking virus
and monsters that are pumping everything
out of the Earth, devastating, poisoning
and destroying such a paradise Nature.

In Russia, Ireland, Sweden, USA, Europe, Asia,
Africa and the East, people have become
insolent, they themselves destroy Nature
and blame the innocent
and defenseless cows, pigs,
birds, insects and all flora and fauna.

Asia, Africa and the East
Law enforcement officers are pursuing the
defenders of Nature.
Peace-loving people in different regions
of the world are protesting
against environmental pollution.

A deadly chemical and toxic everywhere
and in everything, in water, soil, air and in all foods,
vegetables and fruits. Based on the above,
there is nothing safe
anywhere, everyone and everything is poisoned.

It became scary to live through
the fault of people, they devastated, poisoned
and disfigured the land, rivers, lakes, seas,
oceans, forests, meadows, mountains
and the atmosphere.

All over the world, people, flora and fauna get
sick and die from chemicals, industry,
transportation, sewage, cesspools, landfills from
all civilization, urbanization and industrialization.
All water, earth and atmosphere on the globe are
poisoned by thousands of toxic substances and
trillions of tons of toxic waste around the world
are buried in the ground, in rivers, lakes, seas,
oceans and mountains; It is the leading cause of
illness and death in all parts of the world.

People think they live away from a large number
of industrial zones and cities and will not be
affected by toxic substances, but their joy is
premature. I am Banjov Nazarali Kholnazarovich,
I visited many parts of the world from
1974 to 2008, and nowhere did I find a milligram
of clean water, not a gram of clean soil, and
nowhere is there clean air. Environmental
pollution affects everyone, no matter where you
live or live thousands of kilometers from
industrial zones, cities, landfills, garbage dumps
and transport roads, all this knows no
boundaries. Everything we pollute spreads around
the world and poisons everything in its path.

There is only one positive news in Europe this
year, the European Court of Justice in
Luxembourg called on Poles to stop mining coal,
ore, copper, zinc, tin, soil, gravel, sand, stone and
so on. The extraction of all this has led to huge
underground voids, and for this in Europe rivers,
lakes and reservoirs become shallow and dry,
flora and fauna are dying, people are forced to
limit water consumption. In Poland, the Vistula
River is shallowing, and hundreds of other rivers
and reservoirs are drying up. All the water goes
into the underground voids, the depths of which
are huge.

In the Czech Republic, rivers and reservoirs are
shallowing, flora and fauna suffer and die, water
disappears and land collapses. In the Czech
Republic, people are protesting against the
extraction of coal, oil, gas, ore, soil, gravel, sand,
stone, salt and so on.

Czech nature conservationists are protesting
against coal mining in the city of Turuv,
the head of the Czech government said.
Residents demand thatthe authorities
of all countries of the world
permanently stop mining coal, oil, ore, gas,
bauxite, asbestos, tin, salt, soil, gravel, sand,
stone, diamonds, gold, silver, nickel, copper,
pyrite, zinc, lead, chromium, aluminum,
titanium, cobalt, uranium, oxide, tungsten,
zirconium, magnesium, potassium, vanadium,
molybdenum, palladium, amber, crystal, emerald,
opal, musgravite, benitoite, sapphire, alexandrite,
manganese and so on.

As a result of extracting everything from
the Earth, he dies due to destruction.
All over the world, because of the
extraction of everything from the Earth,
huge huge underground voids, quarries
and abysses have been formed,
and all the water goes into underground voids,
therefore many rivers and lakes have
disappeared in many countries of the

Due to the destruction of the globe, all
plants, vegetables, fruits and berries have
mutated, they are not natural.
Despite protests from the Czech side,
the Polish authorities brazenly continue
to destroy nature.
Residents of the Liberec region, bordering
on Poland, demanded from Prague
to file a complaint against the criminal
actions of the mining company
in the European Court.
The population of the villages of Ugelna,
Vaclavice, Oldřichov ná Hranice,
Hradek nad Nisou believes that coal
mining has led to the destruction of lands,
shallowing and drying up of rivers and reservoirs.

Environmentalists from European countries
have also filed environmental lawsuits
against many countries around the world.
The European Commission has filed
environmental pollution claims in Latvia,
Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Norway,
Sweden and other countries of the world.

The Baltic Sea is one of the most polluted
in the world with chemicals, oil, oil products,
industrial, urban, transport, sewage,
cesspools and landfills.

Earlier, the EU has already filed a lawsuit
against Latvia and a number of other countries
in connection with their failure to fulfill their
obligations to protect the environment.

Protests in Europe, USA, Asia, Africa and the East
in defense of peace. Protesters stand in solidarity
with the manifesto of James Lee, from
Washington, he was an ardent advocate of
nature. His supporters are protesting in the United
States, Russia, China, India, Canada, Germany
and around the world in defense of nature.

Protests in the USA, Russia, China, India, Canada,
Asia, Africa and the East in defense of peace
came out people who demand to stop all mining
of coal, oil, gas and so on.

The authorities of all countries of the world
will turn the world into a desert and a chemical
cocktail. many thousands of people
took to the streets of cities in protest
against the mining of coal, oil, ore, gas, bauxite,
asbestos, tin, manganese salt, soil, gravel, sand,
stone and diamonds, gold, silver, nickel, copper,
pyrite, zinc , lead, chromium, aluminum, titanium,
cobalt, magnesium, uranium, oxide and so on:
because of the mining of all this, the Earth was
devastated, huge underground voids, quarries,
craters and pits around the world, all this led to
the destruction of the globe.

James Lee was right that people are a poisonous
and deadly weapon that, with their false laws,
morality and culture, destroys everything in their
path, they brazenly devastate, poison and destroy
the entire globe.

Arctic global ecological catastrophe due to the
criminal activities of mankind.
They poisoned and destroyed the entire Arctic.
Pollution and poisoned air masses from
all over the world are
carried into the northern oceans, bringing with
them clouds, nitrogen oxides, sulfur, phenol,
chlorine, hydrogen sulfide, nickel compounds,
copper compounds, selenium dioxide sulfur
dioxide, sulfuric acid, phenol, formaldehyde and
much more.
Because of this precipitation
chemical acid rain, drizzle, hail and snow.

Every year more than one hundred billion tons of
the most toxic and hazardous waste is dumped
into water bodies, rivers, lakes, seas, oceans and
dumped into ravines. And huge billions of tons of
toxic waste are buried around the world in huge
underground voids, pits, quarries and huge
abysses around the world: all these nightmares
and horrors have formed around the world - from
the extraction of coal, oil, ore, gas. , diamonds,
amber, gold, crystals, emeralds, opals, powder
rettites, musgravites, benitoites, sapphires,
alexandrites, bauxites, asbestos, tin, manganese
salt, soil, gravel, sand, stone, silver, nickel, copper,
pyrite, zinc , lead, chromium, aluminum, titanium,
cobalt, magnesium, uranium, oxides and more.
The extraction of all this in the world has led to
devastation, destruction of the entire globe.

All water, all earth and atmosphere are poisoned,
except for this lake, rivers and reservoirs become
shallow, dry up and disappear forever, and plants
of flora and fauna die from this.

Cities, industry and transport have poisoned all
the water, the entire earth, the entire atmosphere,
this has led to the destruction of the ozone layer,
for this reason water and moisture in the soil
evaporate thousands of times faster.

Government officials of all levels and ranks
deliberately poison and destroy us:
Chemicals are used to destroy
us and all life on the planet.
Humanity has poisoned the entire earth, all rivers,
lakes, seas, oceans and the atmosphere. All living
things in the world get sick and die from
chemicals - herbicides, pesticides, exhaust gases
from vehicles, industrial complexes, sewers and
from billions of cesspools and millions of landfills
around the world, they constantly poison the soil,
water and atmosphere.

The amount of toxic and deadly substances
in water, soil and atmosphere is off scale, which
is the reason for the massive death of vegetation
of animals, birds, insects, as well as flora
and fauna around the world.

An environmental disaster in the Voronezh and
Lipetsk regions - all living things died in the
Usman River. Environmentalists have found 30
toxic chemicals in water samples. Humanity has
turned the whole world into a chemical cocktail,
from which all living things around the world
suffer from the dumping of toxic waste - this is
the most dangerous waste of cities, industrial
enterprises, factories, plants, metallurgical,
chemical, oil refineries and from all spheres and

For many years, under the leadership
of the authorities of all countries of the world,
for many years, people all over the world
have been destroying Nature for the sake
of harmful materialism, humanity does not want
to think and understand that there
is no chance to cleanse the polluted, poisoned Earth,
water and atmosphere.
What is destroyed, poisoned all over the world
will never be restored.

People, are you not afraid that soon the water will
disappear forever, and somewhere there will be
water, then everything and everything is poisoned
beyond recognition, are not you afraid that
oxygen will soon disappear, and are not afraid
that soon nothing will grow?

Today, the water level is at a record low
and will reach catastrophic levels by 2030 due to
the extraction coal, oil, ore, gas, bauxite, asbestos,
tin, manganese salt, soil, gravel, sand, stone,
diamonds, gold, silver, nickel, copper, pyrite, zinc,
lead, chromium, aluminum, titanium, cobalt,
pmagnesium, uranium, oxides and much more.

Horror and nightmare everywhere and all over the
world due to the fact that there are many billions
of bad people, they only bring destruction,
destroying huge areas of fertile land and
poisoning all earth, water and air. It's time to
understand the simple truth that we all live on
one Planet, and not on another. And everything
that you throw away, pour out and poison
everything and all this will not go anywhere and
nothing will disappear anywhere, and everything
will return to you, and all this will be in your
lungs, heart, stomach, kidneys, liver and in all

Save Planet World: Protector of Nature Banjov Nazarali Kholnazarovich.

Devastation and pollution of the Earth, water and
air due to the criminal activities of all mankind.
People do not think about the consequences of
their crimes against Nature: they are confident in
their complete impunity.

Environmental problems in the world are taking
on the scale of a global catastrophe, if they are
not solved today, then tomorrow it will be too
late. There remains the only chance to save
Nature, completely abandon human civilization
and live like the rest of the animal world.

The sources of all diseases and terrible painful
deaths are everywhere, it is civilization,
urbanization and industrialization: These three
factors turned the earthly paradise into horror and
hell, disfigured, poisoned all nature.
People violate the laws of nature in order to
destroy everything and everyone in the world.

The Earth and the atmosphere on the Planet
are the same, if people somewhere destroy
something, it upsets the ecological balance
in the whole world.

I, Banjov Nazarali Kholnazarovich, ask all people
to stop destroying Nature. Several centuries ago
there were few people in the world and there were
no cities, transport and industry, then there was a
real paradise. And today it is a real hell, the
whole world is poisoned with toxic waste, it hurts
to see how people destroy Nature.

Under no circumstances should any excavation or
mining work in the world be permitted as it
destroys natural landscapes. 58 years ago there
were many green and clean places in many parts
of the world. And today everything is poisoned
everywhere. The whole world is drowning in toxic
waste, hundreds of billions of tons of the most
dangerous waste are scattered around the world,
on Earth in gorges, rivers, lakes, seas, oceans,
and all toxic waste from all over the world is
dumped there.

People Industrialization and urbanization have led to
the complete poisoning and destruction of the entire
globe and water sources.
Mining of coal, oil, ore, gas, bauxite, asbestos,
tin, manganese salt, soil, gravel, sand, stone,
diamonds, gold, silver, nickel, copper, pyrite, zinc, lead, chromium, aluminum, titanium, cobalt,magnesium,
uranium, oxides and much more:
Extraction of all that in the world will lead
to the complete destruction of the entire globe and to
the shallowing of rivers, lakes of the sea and the
Aral Sea and the complete disappearance of
fresh water throughout the world.

Today, many countries in the world are experiencing
an acute shortage of clean water. No one can purify
polluted water from toxic substances. Secondly,
no sewage treatment plant in the world has ever
skillfully and will not be able to purify water from
harmful toxic substances.

I, Banjov Nazarali Kholnazarovich
appeal to all of humanity, stop for a
second and imagine this picture, that there is
nothing to breathe, there is no water at all, there
is heat and drought, then we will all be finished.

Save Nature and protect the world from
humanity. The most terrible and monstrous
actions of mankind have led, will lead to terrible
consequences to the complete destruction of the
entire globe: All over the world, huge underground
voids, quarries, cracks and cracks - from the
extraction of coal, oil, ore, gas, bauxite, asbestos,
tin, manganese salt, soil, gravel, sand, stone,
diamonds, gold, silver, nickel, copper, pyrite, zinc,
lead, chromium, aluminum, titanium, cobalt,
magnesium, uranium, oxides and much more,
have led to the destruction of the entire globe.

Protectors of nature from all over the
world urge people to refuse from everything
harmful in the name of Nature. It is a pity that the
vast majority of people do not heed the voice of

Monstrous people all over the
world think that they live on another planet, that's
why they are so brazenly destroying Nature.

The ecological situation all over the world is
terrible and requires an early resolution, otherwise
a terrible catastrophe will happen.
Environmentalists call on the whole world to
permanently stop mining Extraction of coal, oil, ore,
gas, bauxite, asbestos, tin, manganese salt, soil, gravel,
sand, stone, diamonds, gold, silver, nickel, copper, pyrite,
zinc, lead, chromium, aluminum, titanium, cobalt,
magnesium, uranium, oxides and much more.

All living things in the world get sick and die from
chemicals - herbicides, pesticides, exhaust
transport gases, industrial complexes, landfills,
sewers, cesspools and so on.

People have poisoned all the water, the entire earth
and the entire atmosphere, and nowhere in the world
is there anything pure, not even one milligram of
water, everything and everyone is poisoned in the
whole world. Humanity has created hell and
horror all over the world with its own hands.

In Russia, in the USA, China, India in France,
England, Germany Spain, Brazil, Italy, Portugal,
Sweden, Holland, Norway, Argentina, Switzerland,
Hungary, Finland, Poland, Australia, Canada, UAE,
Luxembourg, Kuwait, Qatar , New Zealand,
Iceland, Malaysia, Austria, South Korea, Cuba,
Latvia, Lithuania, Maldives, Singapore, Turkey,
Croatia, Chile, Estonia, Greece, Monaco, Saudi
Arabia, Bahrain, Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands,
Thailand, Jamaica, In Japan, Europe, Asia, Africa
and the East, flora and fauna get sick and die
from pesticides, herbicides, chemicals, cities,
industries, transport, landfills, sewers and

I, Banjov Nazarali Kholnazarovich, ask all people
to stop destroying Nature. Several centuries ago
there were few people in the world and there were
no cities, transport and industry, then there was a
real paradise. And today it is a real hell, the
whole world is poisoned with toxic waste, it hurts
to see how people destroy Nature.

Under no circumstances should any excavation
or mining work in the world be permitted as it
destroys natural landscapes. 58 years ago there
were many green and clean places in many parts
of the world. And today everything is poisoned
everywhere. The whole world is drowning in toxic
waste, hundreds of billions of tons of the most
dangerous waste are scattered around the world,
on Earth in gorges, rivers, lakes, seas, oceans,
and all toxic waste from all over the world is
dumped there.

People Industrialization and urbanization have led to
the complete poisoning and destruction of the entire
globe and water sources.
Mining of coal, oil, ore, gas, bauxite, asbestos,
tin, manganese salt, soil, gravel, sand, stone,
diamonds, gold, silver, nickel, copper, pyrite, zinc, lead, chromium, aluminum, titanium, cobalt,magnesium,
uranium, oxides and much more:
Extraction of all that in the world will lead
to the complete destruction of the entire globe
and to the shallowing of rivers, lakes of the sea
and the Aral Sea and the complete disappearance
of fresh water throughout the world.

Today, many countries in the world are experiencing
an acute shortage of clean water. No one can purify
polluted water from toxic substances. Secondly,
no sewage treatment plant in the world has ever
skillfully and will not be able to purify water from
harmful toxic substances.

I, Banjov Nazarali Kholnazarovich
appeal to all of humanity, stop for a
second and imagine this picture, that there is
nothing to breathe, there is no water at all, there
is heat and drought, then we will all be finished.

Save Nature and protect the world from
humanity. The most terrible and monstrous
actions of mankind have led, will lead to terrible
consequences to the complete destruction of the
entire globe: All over the world, huge underground
voids, quarries, cracks and cracks - from the
extraction of coal, oil, ore, gas, bauxite, asbestos,
tin, manganese salt, soil, gravel, sand, stone,
diamonds, gold, silver, nickel, copper, pyrite, zinc,
lead, chromium, aluminum, titanium, cobalt,
magnesium, uranium, oxides and much more,
have led to the destruction of the entire globe.

Protectors of nature from all over the
world urge people to refuse from everything
harmful in the name of Nature. It is a pity that the
vast majority of people do not heed the voice of

Monstrous people all over the
world think that they live on another planet, that's
why they are so brazenly destroying Nature.

The ecological situation all over the world is
terrible and requires an early resolution, otherwise
a terrible catastrophe will happen.
Environmentalists call on the whole world to
permanently stop mining Extraction of coal, oil, ore,
gas, bauxite, asbestos, tin, manganese salt, soil, gravel,
sand, stone, diamonds, gold, silver, nickel, copper, pyrite,
zinc, lead, chromium, aluminum, titanium, cobalt,
magnesium, uranium, oxides and much more.

All living things in the world get sick and die from
chemicals - herbicides, pesticides, exhaust
transport gases, industrial complexes, landfills,
sewers, cesspools and so on.

People have poisoned all the water, the entire earth
and the entire atmosphere, and nowhere in the world
is there anything pure, not even one milligram of
water, everything and everyone is poisoned in the
whole world. Humanity has created hell and
horror all over the world with its own hands.

with the environment.
There is no difference between
us and all living things in the world.
Plants, animals and we are all children
of the Earth, and we are all one family.
All of us with the whole world must
live according to the laws of Nature
and save the whole world from
environmental disasters.

Европейские страны и другие страны
за 30 лет стали такими же засушливыми,
как Африка, из-за деятельности человечества.
Мы, люди, не должны беспокоить
окружающую среду или вмешиваться
в нее.
Нет разницы между нами и всем живым
в мире. Растения, животные и все мы —
дети Земли, и все мы — одна семья.
Все мы со всем миром должны жить
по законам Природы и спасти мир
от экологических катастроф.

Самая страшная экологическая катастрофа —
разлив нефти-

The worst environmental disaster is the oil spill:
Exxon Valdez oil spill-

In Canada, the USA, Russia, China
and in all countries of the world they
are suffocating from toxic
substances — industry, transport; cesspools,
sewerage and landfills.

Humanity is destroying the environment,
oil extraction from tar sands has destroyed
the entire natural landscape.

В Канаде, в США, России, Китае
и во всех странах мира
задыхаются от токсичных веществ 
от промышленность, транспорт; выгребные ямы, канализация и свалки.

Человечество разрушает окружающую среду, добыча нефти из битуминозных песков уничтожила весь природный ландшафт.

Добыча нефти из битуминозных
песков — это ужас.

Tar sands oil mining is horror-

In Europe, Russia, the USA, Asia,
Africa and the East, everywhere
the land is devastated, destroyed
and poisoned due to the extraction
of coal, oil, ore, gas, bauxite, asbestos,
tin, salt, soil, gravel, sand, stone, diamonds,
gold, silver, nickel,
copper, pyrite, zinc, lead, chromium, aluminum,
titanium, cobalt, uranium, oxide, tungsten,
zirconium, magnesium, potassium, vanadium,
molybdenum, palladium and more:
As a result of this mining, the entire globe
was devastated,huge cracks around the globe,
huge quarries, holes, and underground voids
everywhere led to the complete destruction
of the globe, this is already a global catastrophe.
The concentration of toxic substances
and chemical substances in water, soil
and atmosphere is off scale,
from this everyone gets sick, tormented and dies.

People all over the world think that if natural
disasters are far from their place of residence,
they will not be affected; It is stupid and criminal
to think so, everyone in all parts of the world
suffers from environmental pollution, it is
impossible to hide and escape anywhere in the
world from toxic substances and chemicals, they
penetrate even through the skin and any clothes,
and any gas mask and thick walls.

В Европе, России, США, Азии,
Африке и на Востоке везде земля опустошена,
разрушена и отравлена ​​из-за добычи угля, нефти,
руды, газа, бокситов, асбеста, олова, соли, почвы,
гравия, песка, каменя, алмазы, золото,
серебра, никеля, меди, пирита, цинка, свинеца,
хрома, алюминия, титана, кобальта, урана, оксида,
вольфрама, циркония, магния, калия, ванадия,
молибдена, палладия и так далее: В результате этой
добычи был разрушен весь земной шар,
огромные трещины по всему земному шару,
огромные карьеры, ямы и подземные пустоты
повсюду привели к полному разрушению
земного шара, это уже глобальная
Концентрация токсичных веществ
и химических веществ в воде, почве и атмосфере зашкаливает, от этого все болеют,
мучаются и умирают

Люди во всем мире думают, что если
стихийные бедствия окажутся далеко
от места их проживания, они не пострадают;
Глупо и преступно думать так, все во всех
частях света страдают от загрязнения
окружающей среды, от токсичных веществ
и химикатов невозможно спрятаться
и спастись нигде в мире, они проникают даже
через кожу и любую одежду, и любую
противогаз и толстые стены.

Разлив нефти Exxon Valdez после
стихийного бедствия | Ретро отчет |
Нью-Йорк Таймс.

Exxon Valdez Oil Spill In the Wake
of Disaster | Retro Report | The New York Times:
Сообщения: 1488
Зарегистрирован: Вт 12.04.2011, 19:42
Откуда: Оренбург

#2  Назар » Пн 25.09.2023, 1:53

Climate protests in USA, England, France,
Canada and in all regions and continents
of the world are against the extraction of coal,
oil, gas, shale, peat, soil, gravel,
sand, stone, salt, ore and so on.

In Europe, Asia, Africa, in the East and
in hhe North from the extraction
of coal, ore, oil, gas, peat, shale, soil,
gravel, sand, stone, ore, salt and so on:
In all regions and continents of the world -
the Earth is completely devastated,
mutilated and poisoned, just like water,
air and atmosphere and the whole
planet is poisoned, so acid snows and
rains fall. Many species of flora and fauna
have died from environmental pollution.

From the extraction of everything from the Earth
in all regions and continents of the world,
huge underground voids, quarries, funnels and
cracks have formed around the globe,
all the water from streams, ponds, rivers and lakes.
And for this reason, in all regions and
continents world, the defenders of Nature
are sounding the alarm: the rivers and
lakes of the region have become
shallow to a critical level, that the authorities
of many countries of the world have declared
an emergency. It has become so shallow
that many rivers and lakes on the continents
are reduced in length and width;

The rivers become shallow and dry up so much
that they have become practically dead, where
all kinds of toxic waste from factories, factories,
combines, industrial enterprises, cesspools,
sewers, garbage from cities and towns,
all of them have poisoned the entire globe,
water and atmosphere, as a result
of which the Earth
is dying from pollution and devastation.

This is already a global catastrophe
and an apocalypse, that there is nothing natural
left on the globe, and all mutants and freaks
from - devastated and poisoned surroundings
in the middle of nowhere
on the globe - not a milligram of clean water,
soil and nowhere is there clean air.
And people continue to destroy
all life on the Planet.

In all countries of the world,
2725 environmentalists were killed in 2022,
In the USA, on January 18, 2023, in Atlanta,
Georgia, police shot down a defender
of Nature, after which mass protests took
place against the death of the defender of Nature,
26-year-old activist -
Manuel Esteban Paez Teran - Tortugits.

In Germany, in the city of Berlin near
the Reichstag, the defenders of Nature
held posters in their hands.
They were written "Save the Earth
and forever stop the extraction of coal, oil, gas,
shale, peat, ore, soil, gravel, sand, stone,
salt and so on, the extraction of everything
from the earth led to catastrophic climate change.
Defenders of nature believe that
the criminal actions of all mankind
will turn the entire Earth into a dead zone
from environmental pollution,
from the extraction of coal, oil, gas, shale, peat,
ore, soil, gravel, sand, stone, salt and so on.

In Germany, medical research and specialists
come to the conclusion about the following
causes and sources of all diseases in all regions
of the world.

At the Berlin Medical Center, an international team
of doctors conducted a study and found that
the increasing pollution of land, water
and air with thousands of different toxic wastes
and chemicals, as well as the extraction
and burning of coal, oil, gas, peat,
shale and chemicals led to an increase
in all diseases, as well as cancer of the stomach,
skin, eyes, mouth, throat, larynx, teeth, lungs,
heart, liver, kidneys, intestines, bones, ovaries,
bladder, subungual and nail plates.

All diseases from the criminal activities
of all mankind - sewers, landfills, cesspools,
cities, all kinds of industries, plants, factories,
combines, transport, as well as the extraction
and burning of coal, oil, gas, shale, peat
and chemicals.

Water, air and Earth are all poisoned and nowhere
in the world there is clean water, soil and air,
and nowhere in the world there is not
a milligram of clean water and land, and even
in the Arctic everything is poisoned
from the extraction of coal, oil, gas and so on.
Environmental pollution and
environmental problems in all countries
of the world do not know state borders,
all toxic waste and chemicals spread
through water, soil, wind, clouds, as well
as through the evaporation of toxic substances
from industry, building materials, transport,
landfills, sewers and cesspools, and chemical and
acid clouds from all environmental pollution,
so acid rain and snow.

The poisoning of water, land, air and
the destruction of the ozone layer of the atmosphere
is one of the main problems of climate change
to catastrophic in all regions of the world.
If humanity in all regions of the world continues
to extract everything from the earth and pollute
the earth, water and atmosphere,
then a global apocalypse will come,
where everyone will die long and painfully.

Climate catastrophes in world.
Environmental problems
in Russia, China, India, USA, Canada, Indonesia,
Venezuela, Mexico, Brazil, France, Germany,
Spain, Portugal, Italy, Argentina, Japan, Korea,
Australia, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines.
Vietnam, Kenya, UAE, Taiwan, Jordan, Finland,
the Netherlands - Holland, Sweden, Great Britain,
Poland, Hungary, Romania, Moldova,
Belarus, Lithuania, Estonia,
Latvia and in all countries of the world,
the mining company and the mining industry
have poisoned all rivers, lakes, seas,
oceans, land and atmosphere and turned
the whole world into hell and into a huge
abyss and into huge underground voids
and funnels, all water goes into all those voids,
and all rivers, lakes become shallow
and dry up, and the earth is cracking
from underground voids.
Сообщения: 1488
Зарегистрирован: Вт 12.04.2011, 19:42
Откуда: Оренбург
