67-year-old Harvey Weinstein, he is terrorized by women, false friends rob his treasury, leaving him with nothing. Women are robbers, fraudsters earned millions of dollars in fraud through false accusations.
The fabrication of criminal cases and falsification of evidence has reached alarming proportions, threatening a national catastrophe. A citizen who is involved in a criminal case becomes absolutely defenseless against the authorities. I USA human rights defenders claim that such a policy violates basic human rights.
The US judiciary is not worried about those men who lost their jobs after being falsely accused of sexual harassment.
Today, it has become a lucrative business to disseminate deliberately false and defamatory information for the removal of unwanted people from power. For the sake of this, they commit any crime, including false testimonies.
Historical Fact: Former Israeli President Moshe Katsav, whom former secretaries falsely accused of sexual harassment in 2006. The organization of this action was the Israeli security forces to remove him from power.
Despite the frightening judicial practice of false allegations of sexual harassment. All charges against former Israeli President Moshe Katsav were fabricated because the state prosecution did not provide any clear evidence that he had abused women.
In 2006, he told police that one of the women tried to extort money from him. Turns of business fettered and shocked the country. Shortly after the charges were revealed, Katsav held a press conference to accuse prosecutors and the media of conspiring with his death, as he did not belong to an elite of European descent.
Katsav resigned two weeks before the expiration of his term in a plea bargain, which would have allowed him to avoid imprisonment. Instead, he rejected the plea bargain and vowed to prove his innocence in court. He later said that he did not
regret this decision because it would mean that he confessed to a crime that he did not commit.
US security forces also organized the removal from power of people who were objectionable to him, such as Harvey Weinstein.
I, Banjov Nazarali Kholnazarovich, appeal to the representatives of the international court with a request to hold all women accountable for disseminating knowingly false information that undermines the honor, dignity and reputation of former Israeli President Moshe Katsav and producer Harvey Weinstein.