Doubts about eggshell calcium?

Все о медицине и здоровье.

#1  spadekevin » Чт 19.07.2018, 20:30


Today i bought eggs on the market and grinded them in coffee grinder to almost flour size particles. The I tested the solubility in 6% vinegar, if 5% is around ph 2.5 then 6% should be closer to ph 1.99 of stomach acid. But after 1/2 hour there was still some eggshell calcium on the bottom of the vinegar, around 10-25% somewhere. Now I have my doubts about this calcium, what if the unreacted calcium gets through to the small intestines and gets absorbed into the bloodstream, possibly blocking veins or even contributing to heart attack. If you eat a large meal you can get ph even higher to 3% and no eggshell calcium will get digested. I wrote to Ray Peat but he says than stomach acid should disolve it all. I dont know, what do you think about it. How long do you grind the eggshels and to what particle size. Could larger particle size be better so the undigested calcium wont get aborsbed in the small intestines?

Please help.

I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.

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Сообщения: 6
Зарегистрирован: Пн 25.06.2018, 16:37

