Panda Internet Security 2016 and Windows 10 issue

#1  aaronpawlak » Сб 3.03.2018, 21:12


I installed PIS 2016 on a clean install of Windows 10 Pro, and the moment the installation is complete, the computer is blocked from the rest of the network. The other computers (with Windows 7 Pro) can see and enter my shared folder, but from my Windows 10 computer I can see the other computers on the network, but I can't access them (I get an error message that I can't connect to that computer error 0x80070035). It is definitely a problem caused by the installation of PIS 2016, because before installing it, the network works fine.
Do you have any suggestions?

please help

I did not find the right solution from the internet.

References: ... =96&t=4850
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Зарегистрирован: Пт 8.12.2017, 20:41

#2  KerraTolla » Вс 11.03.2018, 22:47

а зачем это нужно? юзверей, тычущих на всю подряд рекламу, это не убережёт, а нормальным людям не нужно.
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